Counselling Cell

Young minds in today’s world grapple with a lot of mental and emotional upheavals. They find solace in all the wrong places to deal with it. This is where the counselling team makes a difference. This team is an independent body that works with the student community to help them in sorting out their issues. The team comprises of certified counselors and faculty members with experience in the field of counselling. They ensure high confidentiality in their approach thereby increasing the comfort factor in students. Mental well-being is given priority at SKSVM to bring out the best in every student.

counselling cell

Kindly note : The students can reach out to the following teachers with any concerns that trouble them. They will be available in person during the college hours . They can be contacted through email also.

Swati Nikam - Convenor

Smita More - Co Convenor

Sharmila Doctor

Amol Mahajan

Rajeshwar Mishra